
Fellowships to attend the Cajal Winter Conferences


The Cajal Winter Conference (CWC) is a biennial thematic conference on hot topics in Neurosciences organized by the Sociedad Española de Neurociencias (SENC) and sponsored by IBRO. The aim of this series of conferences is to bring together young researchers to present their recent data and discuss with international leaders in the field on common interests in an open, informal atmosphere. Our major goal is to provide with multiple opportunities to network and promote future collaborations, job opportunities and scientific interchanges for young researchers worldwide while discussing forefront topics in Neuroscience.
The next CWC 2014 THINKING THE FUTURE OF NEUROSCIENCE will take place in Salamanca, on May 19th-21st 2014.

Plenary lectures:
Dr. Ole Petter Ottersen: Astrocytic functions: new insights
Dr. Rafael Fernández Chacón: Synaptic dysfunction and nerve terminal degeneration
Dr. Christian C.G. Naus: Gap junctions in glial networks: implications in neurodevelopment and disease
Dr. Eloísa Herrera: Wiring and rewiring bilateral circuits
Dr. Kristjan Jessen: Schwann cells: development, injury and regeneration
Dr. Rafael Maldonado: Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in chronic pain.

Venue and accommodation
The magnificent environment chosen to hold de CWC2014, in the middle of the Natural Park Batuecas-Sierra de Francia, in Salamanca, offers unique mountain landscapes and the opportunity of discussing science in an inspiring environment. La Alberca is a small rural mountain village at 80 Km from Salamanca. The conference will be hosted in Hotel Abadía de los Templarios (http://www.abadiadelostemplarios.com<http://www.abadiadelostemplarios.com/>)

Registration must be made online through http://www.senc.es/actividades.php?sc=2 until April 20th.

Early bird conference fees (before March 30th):
Student SENC/FENS members: 100 €
Regular SENC/FENS members 120 €
Student non members: 120 €
Non members: 150 €

Regular conference fees
Student SENC/FENS members: 150 €
Regular SENC/FENS members 170 €
Student non members: 170 €
Non members: 200 €

Room prices are as follows (for participants and accompanying persons):
Full Board, Double room, single occupancy: 346 €
Full Board Double room: 231 €/person.

Presentations: Authors willing to present their communications should submit an abstract and indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation. Oral presentations will be selected on the basis of quality and originality.

Abstracts must be sent to the following address:

Deadline for abstract submission is April 10th.

Travel fellowships
SENC offers travel fellowships to PhD students and recent postdocs (less than two yr after PhD) to partly cover travel and accommodation expenses.
15 fellowships for SENC/FENS members (200 €)
10  fellowships for non-members (100 €) will be awarded by IBRO and SENC.

Applicants should send an email to secretaria@senc.es<mailto:secretaria@senc.es>, detailing their motives for attending the conference. A short CV should be attached to this message, together with the abstract for communications.

Deadline for fellowship application is April 10th.

Mara Dierssen, MD, PhD
President Spanish Society for Neuroscience
Systems Biology Program
CRG-Center for Genomic Regulation
C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88 PRBB Building
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Phone +34 93 316 01 40
Mobile +34 627444832
Fax +34 93 316 00 99
Email: mara.dierssen@crg.eu<mailto:mara.dierssen@crg.eu>

Click here for Down syndrome!


Announcing the Latin American Training Program


Dear Colleagues,


The Society for Neuroscience is pleased to announce the launch of the Latin American Training Program (LATP)-a dynamic online training course for neuroscience trainees in the Latin America and Caribbean region.


Latin American Training Program Associates will participate in ten months of online activities and discussions geared at enhancing the training of graduate students and post-doctoral trainees from across the region. The online program will run from August 2014-May 2015. Accepted participants are expected to participate in monthly webinars and conversations on scientific and professional development topics relevant to trainees in the region.


To supplement this program, fifteen (15) Latin American Training Program Fellows will be selected to attend a three-week course hosted by the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico at Querétaro (at the Instituto de Neurobiologia). Led by Dr. Raul Paredes, the course “Encoding and Processing of Information in the Nervous System” will run August 4-22, 2014. LATP Fellows will visit the lab for three weeks and attend lectures and lab demonstrations led by UNAM and visiting faculty from across the globe.


Eligible applicants include graduate students and post-doctoral candidates who are citizens or permanent residents of a Latin American or Caribbean country. All applicants must be bilingual in English, the language of instruction.


To learn more about the program, visit the course website at www.sfn.org/latp Applicants must submit a current CV, letter of recommendation and provide a brief essay, in English, about how the program will impact their career. Questions can be directed to globalaffairs@sfn.org


Applications for the 2014 course open on March 31 and close on April 30. No exceptions for late applications will be made. Participants will be notified of their program status by early June.


The Latin American Training Program is generously supported by The Grass Foundation, the Latin American Regional Committee of the International Brain Research Organization, the Universidad Nacaional Autonoma de Mexico (Querétaro) and the Society for Neuroscience.


Christopher LaPrade

Manager, Global Affairs

Society for Neuroscience  |  1121 14th Street NW, Suite 1010, Washington, DC 20005

T: (202) 962-4000  |  F: (202) 962-4941  |  claprade@sfn.org  |  SfN.org


Llamado a concurso para llenar UN Cargo DE PROFESOR ASISTENTE




Llamado a concurso para llenar un Cargo DE PROFESOR ASISTENTE


en el ámbito de la NEUROCIENCIA


Características del cargo:

La Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas llama a concurso para llenar un cargo de profesor Asistente en el Departamento de Fisiología. El cargo es de jornada completa, sujeto a las evaluaciones periódicas propias de la Facultad. La persona seleccionada deberá demostrar capacidad para desarrollar una línea de investigación independiente en el ámbito más amplio de la Neurociencia, que le permita en el corto plazo atraer fondos competitivos para financiar sus investigaciones. La Facultad y la Universidad promueven el trabajo colaborativo con otros investigadores intra y extra Facultad, y el vínculo con la empresa cuando sea pertinente.


Responsabilidades asociadas AL  CARGO:

  • Realizar investigación del más alto nivel científico.
  • Realizar docencia de pregrado y postgrado; la actividad docente aumentará gradualmente favoreciendo, en el primer año, la inserción de los seleccionados en las actividades de investigación.


Requisitos para postular:

  • Grado de Doctor en Ciencias y experiencia en investigación.
  • Demostrar capacidad para realizar investigación independiente, que le permita obtener financiamiento para su línea de investigación en el corto plazo.
  • La experiencia en docencia de pregrado y/o postgrado es deseable.


Antecedentes para Postular:

  • Curriculum Vitae, incluyendo apartados de publicaciones más relevantes en formato electrónico.
  • Dos cartas de referencia confidenciales, que deben ser enviadas directamente a la Secretaría Académica de la Facultad.
  • Fundamentación escrita del interés de el/la candidato/a por el cargo, incluyendo un breve historial de su trayectoria científica.
  • Propuesta académica de inserción indicando la fecha (mes y año) a partir de la cual se incorporaría a la Facultad (máximo 2 páginas).
  • Copia del certificado de título y/o grado de Doctor.


Criterios de selección:

  • Calidad de la producción científica y dominio del área de investigación desarrollada y por ejecutar en la Facultad.
  • Factibilidad de desarrollo e integración en la Facultad, de acuerdo a lo señalado en la propuesta de inserción en ésta.


Recepción de Postulaciones Vía Electrónica:

Lugar              :      Secretaría Académica, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, P. Universidad Católica de Chile, e-mail

secretaria.academica@bio.puc.cl; Av. Lib. Bernardo O’Higgins 340 (o Casilla 193, C.P 8331150), Santiago, Chile.

Plazo               :      Viernes 28 de marzo de 2014, a las 17 hs.

Consultas                 :                 Dr.  Eduardo Palma, Secretario Académico, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, teléfono: (56-2) 2354-2192; e-mail: epalma@bio.puc.cl;  página web: http://www.bio.puc.cl




Workshop: Synaptic basis of Cognitive Dysfunction


Workshop: Synaptic basis of Cognitive Dysfunction

 Coordinators: Alfredo Kirkwood, Adrian Palacios

 Institution and Support: Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaiso, Universidad de Valparaiso; Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio, Centro de Envejecimiento y Regeneración (CARE); PUC; John Hopkins University, Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia 

When: October 22-24, 2014

Where: Valparaiso, Chile



Andres Barria, Physiology & Biophysics, University of Washington

Mark F. Bear, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT; Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Richard Huganir, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University,

Nibaldo Inestrosa, Departamento de Biología Celular y Molecular, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Michela Gallagher, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, John Hopkins University

Eric Klann, Centre for Neural Science, New York University

Alfredo Kirkwood, Mind & Brain Institute, Johns Hopkins University

Rob Malenka, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine

Adrian Palacios, Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaiso, Universidad de Valparaiso

Jorge Palop, University of California, Department of Neurology

Brigitte van Zundert, Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Andrés Bello


Information and Contact: Adrian Palacios, email: adrian.palacios@uv.cl





Announcing the 2014 MQ Fellows Programme

Announcing the 2014 MQ Fellows Programme

New funding opportunity

MQ is pleased to announce our 2014 MQ Fellows Programme. The Programme aims to support the most promising early career scientists and clinicians who are asking challenging questions that will contribute to transformative advances in mental health research. MQ is seeking the best and brightest researchers, who are newly independent or finalising their transition to independence. The Programme is open to Applicants from all scientific disciplines and around the world.

We are now calling for applications, which will be reviewed by our MQ Fellows Committee. The deadline is 24th April 2014. This year, the application process has 2 stages, and the initial stage is a Letter of Intent.
For more information about the Programme click here:

and for information about how to apply click here:



  • Can be from any country.
  • Can be from any scientific discipline, including basic scientists, clinically qualified researchers and social science researchers.
  • Must be early career researchers with a PhD, MD or equivalent.
  • Must have recently established their own independent research career or be about to become independent.

MQ is a UK-based charity focused on identifying and funding research key to solving global issues in mental health. With start-up funding provided by the Wellcome Trust, we aim to harness the power of a community of researchers, doctors, service users, families, advocates and funders to achieve this goal.

To read more about MQ: Transforming Mental Health, visit our website




Applications Open for the 8th Canadian IBRO School of Neuroscience


Applications Open for the 8th Canadian IBRO School of Neuroscience


USCRC: 8th Canadian IBRO School of Neuroscience on Development and Plasticity

Montreal, Canada
May 13 – 30, 2014

Deadline: January 31, 2014 (23:59 CET)

Aims and scope:

IBRO-USCRC is pleased to offer an advanced neuroscience course for 12 to 14 IBRO Alumni and other young investigators residing in Africa and Latin America. The students will participate in interactive sessions on current topics of neuroscience.  These interactive sessions, coordinated by Dr. Ellis Cooper, will include lectures, discussions and visits to laboratories related to the theme of the School.

The material will cover the basic science of development and plasticity of the nervous system. There will be demonstrations of relevant experimental approaches, including functional imaging. In addition, there will be group discussions with experts on specific issues related to developing countries such as relevant diseases and practical issues related to conducting research in low resource settings, as well as sessions on career advancement, preparing manuscripts and grant applications.

A special feature of this School will be its integration with the 8th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting (May 25-28, 2014). All students enrolled in this School will be full participants at these meetings, presenting their own work on a poster, attending scientific sessions, and participating in interactive sessions with selected speakers.

Who should apply?

Priority will be given to doctoral, postdoctoral students, young physicians doing fellowship and/or clinical research and young faculty members residing in Africa and Latin America who are likely to transfer the knowledge gained in the school to their research, particularly in the area of pain. IBRO Alumni are encouraged to apply.

The applicants should be fluent in English (written/spoken), have a degree in basic or clinical sciences, and be involved in neuroscience research. Students will be chosen based on their academic record and their potential for leadership in the scientific community of their home country. The criteria include academic achievements, publications, letters of reference, and in particular, the statement of how this School will benefit the applicant’s own research career.

Students selected to attend the School will have their travel and living expenses (housing and meals) covered by the School. Visas and other immigration arrangements are the responsibility of the student.

Educational Objectives:

  • To help understand basic mechanisms related to development and plasticity of the nervous system, implications of understanding of basic mechanisms on disorders and their implications for therapy.
  • To present and discuss the students’ own research.
  • To foster long-lasting links with some of Canada’s top neuroscientists and institutions.
  • To forge new contacts between investigators in Canada, Africa, and Latin America.


Organizing Committee of Canadian IBRO Schools of Neuroscience

Albert J. Aguayo (Past President of IBRO), Chair
Ellis Cooper (McGill University)
Jonathan Dostrovsky (University of Toronto)
Ante L. Padjen (McGill University)
Jane Roskams (University of British Columbia)
Guy Drolet (Université Laval)
Brian McVicar (University of British Columbia)
Cathy Ranking (University of British Columbia) 


Society for Neuroscience
Canadian Association for Neuroscience
McGill University
Montreal Neurological Institute

How to apply:

Applications are available only on-line. There are no hard copies of application forms.

Apply here



Neuroscience Meeting in Europe, the FENS Forum

Dear Colleague:

As the largest Neuroscience Meeting in Europe, the FENS Forum has grown to be a highly prioritized event among international researchers from across the globe. The past FENS Forum attracted almost 7.000 delegates and the upcoming FENS Forum in Milan is expected to even exceed this number!

The scientific program offers state of the art neuroscience with 56 symposia, 9 plenary lectures, 8 special lectures, several special events, workshops and satellites. The emphasis, however, is on poster presentations.

Submit your abstract to the FENS Forum 2014 today to present and discuss your work during Europe’s prime Forum on neuroscience. In order to submit an abstract you must first register to the FENS Forum. When you register before February 2, 2014, you can save up to € 70 on your registration fee.

Note that the deadline for abstract submission on February 2, 2014 is rapidly approaching!

Travel grants of up to 750€ are offered to students and postdoctoral fellows by FENS, IBRO and several national European neuroscience societies.

Deadline for travel grant application is February 2, 2014 – don’t miss it!

  • To register to the FENS Forum 2014, click here.
  • Details on abstract submission are available here.
  • Information on FENS – IBRO/PERC travel grants can be obtained here.
  • More information on the FENS Forum program, venue etc. is available on the Forum website.

We look forward to welcoming you in Milan from July 5 – 9, 2014!

Best regards,



Organized by FENS – Hosted by the Sociétà Italiana dei Neuroscienze



Call for Proposals for Symposia / Deadline extended to January 31, 2014


Call for Proposals for Symposia
Deadline extended to January 31, 2014

The Program Committee under the chairmanship of Rafael Linden (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) has been appointed by the Governing Council of IBRO to decide on the scientific program of the 9th IBRO World Congress. The Scientific Program will be built on the basis of proposals submitted by scientists from all over the world and in all areas of neuroscience research.

Online submission of proposals for symposia and mini-symposia has been extended to January 31, 2014.

Guidelines and application forms can be found here.