CINV Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2018
The Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso (CINV), at the Universidad de Valparaiso in Valparaiso, Chile, invites young postdoctoral researchers to apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the CINV. The purpose of this program is to support outstanding and highly motivated PhD graduates from any country who wish to initiate or continue a scientific project in one of CINV’s labs, which are:
1. Structure and Function of Molecular Sensors:
2. Cellular Signaling:
3. Genetics and Development of the Nervous System:
4. Systems and Circuit Neuroscience:
5. Molecular Simulation and Computational Biology:
Antecedents, letters of recommendation and commitment should be electronically sent before March 3rd, 2018 23:59 hrs (GMT -3 hours).
For more details, please visit our webpage HERE