Dear Colleagues,
We are working very hard in the organization of the XV LASC 2019 and looking forward to seeing you all in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay next October.
We would like to thank you for your support and help in this challenging task that allowed us to organize a very exciting preliminary program with 45 speakers already confirmed among plenary, symposia, and the opening and closing round tables!! We are also thankful for the enormous number of applicants (more than 50!!) to the Latin American School on Chronobiology and Sleep, whose faculty list of 25 teachers is also confirmed.
According to the agencies that have already confirmed support to the XV LASC 2019, we will be able to cover the expenses of our plenary speakers, to give partial support to each selected symposium, and to give up to 30 students/postdocs’ registration fee waivers. In addition, students selected to attend the Latin American School on Chronobiology and Sleep will have all their expenses covered during their 2-weeks trip to Uruguay.
We now encourage you to register to the XV LASC 2019 at your earliest convenience, to get the best rates, through the website www.LASC2019.org. We remind you that Early Registrations and Abstract Submission are open until June 30, 2019.
We are totally aware that the difficult situation of Argentinian science system and of the science budget cutoffs recently announced in Brazil may affect some participants’ ability to cover the costs of attending the XV LASC 2019. Due to our successful fundraising we will be able to consider a reduced registration fee for colleagues in extenuating circumstances that need this support. We ask those interested to contact us at lasc2019@fundaciba.uy to let us know about their situation and the percentage of the registration fee waiver they might need. We will do our best efforts to consider as many participants as possible.