
Satellite Events: Courses and Symposia


Saturday 15 October: Course

Motorized stereotaxic neurosurgery for chronic electrophysiological recordings in rodents


Motorized stereotaxic neurosurgery and electrophysiological recordings combined with behavior research is fundamental to understand basic mechanisms and develop news approaches in neuroscience and neuroengineering. This workshop will explore those advanced scientific tools mainly for young students interested in how to use in future projects.
We encorauge young students facing dificulties in how to use use such tools to investigate the nervous system electrophysiology to book early, as places are limited due to the hands on. To apply you need a valid Falan Congress registration and the the participants will be selected accordingly with CV and letter of interest.

– Liliana Francis Turner, PhD (facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Tolima, Colombia)
– Edgard Morya, PhD (Edmond and Lily Safra International Neuroscience Institute, Santos Dumont Institute, Brazil)

To apply, send us the PDF that you received attached to the automatic email when you registered to FALAN, with your CV and letter of interest to jackson@brainsupport.com.br.

This pre-congress course will be free but the participants will be selected accordingly with CV and letter of interest.

The Motorized Stereotaxic workshop is complete.
We have no more vacancies.


Saturday 15 October: Symposium

SBNeC SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM – Brain Diseases: Neuroenergetics and Neuroprotection

Chair: Diogo Onofre Gomes de Souza
Institution: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Department: Biochemistry
Country: Brazil

Abstract: Recent advances in neuroenergetics have highlighted the importance of neuronastrocyte metabolic interactions. Astrocytes contribute to a variety of neuronal functions, including synapse formation and plasticity, energetic support and redox status. Disturbances of these neuron-astrocyte interactions are likely to play an important role in brain diseases. This Symposium will discuss a wide range of approaches in this theme.

This SBNeC SS is free for all members of SBNeC who have been registered in the 2nd FALAN. To receive their certificates, all SBNeC non-member attendees need to pay U$ 30. Queries:
Please contact: sbnec@sbnec.org.br
Registration Link


Saturday 15 October

The role of astrocyte alterations in early changes in the dynamics of cultured cerebellar networks

Chair: Ari Barzilai, Department of Neurobiology, George S. Wise, Faculty of Life Sciences; Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Barzilai-short CV
Time: 9:00 ­ 12:30
Location: Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la UBA, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón 2 (Room to be announced)

Sunday 16 October

CURSO SAN: “The doors of memory: The role of sleep on memory formation and modification”

Organizes: Dr. Cecilia Forcato (Argentina) – Dr. Felipe Beijamini (Brazil)
Venue: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ), Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología Roque Sáenz Peña 352, (1876) Bernal, Buenos Aires.
Programme here

Purpose and nature of the course
This is the first Latin American Meeting of Sleep and Memory dealing with one of the most frontier topics in Neuroscience: the role of sleep in memory formation and modification. It will be held in the National University of Quilmes (UNQ), Buenos Aires on 16th October 2016 as a Satellite Event of the FALAN 2016 (Federation of Latin America and Caribbean Neuroscience, http://falan-ibrolarc.org/drupal/es). It counts
with the support of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), Brazilian Sleep Society, the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behaviour, the National University of Quilmes (UNQ), and the Argentinian Society of Neuroscience.

The aims of the meeting are:
1) To discuss theories and current results about the role of sleep in memory, as well as its application in education and psychotherapy in Latin America;
2) To promote the development of new lines of research in the region as well
as making networking between Latin American Countries and also with countries outside the region and to strengthen the already established collaboration with Europe and North America;
3) To promote the participation of students and researchers generating a space for discussion and integration of the different steps of the scientific carrier;
4) To provide a space, outside the conference, for the students that are
beginning the scientific carrier to reach the experts in an informal environment (lunch, cheese and wine) promoting the exchange of ideas.
Registration here.

Sunday 16 October: Workshop

BCI, Motor Imagery, GAMES, Virtual Reality, Eye Traking, VideoSync and EEG Analysis
– Behavior Neuroscience –

Date: Oct 16 2016
City: Buenos Aires
Time: 8:30 13:00

​The use of brain-computer interface (BCI) technology has been currently proven to provide new insights in studying important brain processes such as learning, brain plasticity and neurorehabilitation. The association with virtual reality, makes it possible to extrapolate lab environment providing new possibilities for neuroscientific research. This workshop will explore the use of open source softwares to acquire cortical activity with an EEG and use it to control an avatar in a virtual environment through a well known neurophysiological pattern called motor imagery. Furthermore, we will discuss how to merge and interpret data coming from different sources/devices, such as eye tracking, EEG and video cameras. In addition we will bring the state of art software (BrainVision Analyser 2.0) in ERP analysis and will demonstrate how to perform an optimal ERP study.

For complete program: Click here
*We only have more 08 seats.


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