
Post-doc position available

Dear Colleagues,


I have new grant money from NIH to hire a post-doc.  It is for a neurophysiologist who can do the wet science but is also able to talk to theoreticians.  If you know of anyone, could you please pass this along?  Thanks,


A Postdoctoral Fellow position in Neurophysiology is available in the Federated Department of Biological Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey (20 min train ride from New York City) in the laboratory of Jorge Golowasch. The position is supported by an NIH grant (Ionic conductance correlations tune neuronal network activity to natural inputs). The project makes use of the well-defined temporal patterns of activity in the crustacean pyloric network to examine the role of ionic current co-expression on the tuning of activity to its inputs. Ionic currents are now well known to be co-expressed and co-regulated. However, the functional consequences of this are poorly understood.

The successful applicants should have a PhD in Biology, Mathematics, Physics or related areas, as well as proven experience in electrophysiology plus an interested to interact with other experimentalists and theoreticians. The chosen applicant will have the opportunity to join a very dynamic department with substantial expertise in the study of neuronal excitability, circuit function, and behavior.  Funding is available for 1 year initially, with the possibility of extension. The position is available immediately. The salary will be based on experience and is competitive with international standards.

Required documents include CV, cover letter, names and emails of three references. Please contact Jorge Golowasch (Golowasch@njit.edu) with any questions.

Jorge Golowasch

Associate Chair


Career Tools for Students and Postdocs from SfN

unnamedCareer Tools for Your Students and Postdocs

As chapter representatives and leaders, help us spread the word to your chapter members about SfN’s upcoming webinar series, Paving the Way for Professional Success. Just one of SfN’s latest professional tools for students and postdocs, this series gives practical advice and insight on the topics that matter most to those just starting their scientific careers.

The series debuts this week with:

  • Transforming Your CV or Resume: Inside Tips for Any Position
    Friday, October 3, 2-3 p.m. EDT
    Learn how to craft successful CVs and resumes for positions both inside and outside academia.
  • Outreach: Supporting Your Career, Supporting the Field
    Thursday, October 9, 1-2 p.m. EDT
    Get insight into a variety of outreach activities that have supported the field and positively impacted careers.

There will be two more webinars in October – each exploring different facets of establishing a career path. The webinars are exclusively for SfN members. Special discounted rates are available for students and postdocs to join or renew their membership so they can access this series and other benefits including premium career services, discount registration rates and publication fees, and more.

If there is anything we can do to assist you in informing your students about this valuable new benefit, please contact membership@sfn.org. Thank you for all of your work with your chapter and for your continued support of SfN and its mission.


News FALAN:Applications open for Latin America Regional Funding: Short Stays and Travel Grants


Applications open for Latin America Regional Funding: Short Stays and Travel Grants



IBRO’s Latin America Regional Committee (LARC) will evaluate applications for funding (up to 1200 euros) for short research/training lab visits within the Latin American region to take place between January 1st and June 30th, 2015. Applications must be submitted on-line. Applications by e-mail will not be accepted.

Candidates should not be older than 40 years. Priority will be given to doctoral students and postdocs who wish to attend a foreign lab within the region and who plan to link their lab stay with attendance to a course or congress. When the short lab stay is linked to attendance to a course or congress, an application for a LARC Travel Grant must also be submitted.  Applications for activities within the applicant’s own country will be considered only if adequately justified.  Applicants must supply an activity plan, a letter of support from their director – specifically for the proposed activities – and a letter of acceptance from the host institution.


IBRO’s Latin America Regional Committee (LARC) will evaluate possible funding (up to 1200 euros) for attending courses/workshops and/or presenting results at meetings within the region to take place between January 1st and June 30th, 2015. Applications must be submitted on-line. Applications by e-mail will not be accepted. 

Candidates should not be older than 40 years. Priority will be given to doctoral students and postdocs who plan to link their attendance to a course or congress with a research or training lab stay. When the attendance to a course or congress is linked to a short lab stay, an application for a LARC Short Stay Grant must also be submitted. Applications for activities within the applicant’s own country will be considered only if adequately justified.  Applicants must supply an activity plan and a letter of support from their director – specifically for the proposed activities.



1.      Applicants that have previously received an IBRO LARC travel grant will only be eligible for another grant after a 3 year interval.

2.      Only one applicant from the same lab and director working on the same subject will be accepted.

3.      Travel grant applicants will be classified into 2 categories:

  • Graduate Students/ Ph.D. candidates: For students below 35 years old.
  • Postdoctoral students: Below 40 years old.

4.     Travel grants will be classified into two categories:

  • Short distances: 800 Euros (South-South)
  • Long distances: 1200 Euros (South-North)


Deadline for applications: October 19, 2014 (11:59 p.m. CET). 

Apply for a Travel Grant here.

Apply for a Short Stay Grant here.



Dr. Dora Fix Ventura, 
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, BRASIL
Email: dventura@usp.br


CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme








A FENS-IBRO Initiative in Partnership with
Bordeaux Neurocampus and the Champalimaud Foundation

The Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme, a new initiative providing advanced training in neuroscience, was announced in July 2014 during the 9th FENS Forum in Milan, Italy. The programme was initiated by FENS and IBRO in collaboration with Bordeaux Neurocampus and theChampalimaud Foundation to offer high-level training courses in Europe.The programme will include cutting-edge techniques and concepts relevant to current neuroscience research in a broad range of disciplines. It will also emphasize hands-on training and take place in state-of-the-art facilities in Bordeaux and Lisbon.IBRO Secretary-General, Sten Grillner, Chair of the CAJAL Programme Steering Board, explains, “European neuroscientists have long felt a need for a pan-European training centre … I believe that this programme will contribute to creating a vibrant neuroscience community in Europe and the world.”

During its first year in 2015, the Cajal courses will run from two to four weeks and be chaired by expert, highly respected mentors and leaders in the field of neuroscience. There will be a total of four courses offered.

For more information, please visit the CAJAL website:






News FALAN:3rd Latin American School of Advanced Neurochemistry, Uruguay


3rd Latin American School of Advanced Neurochemistry, Uruguay.

del 24 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre de 2014.

en el Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable.

Montevideo, URUGUAY.



Información adicional/additional information

Programa preliminar/Preliminary program

Profesores Extranjeros


Barrante, F.

Bernabeu, R.

Bortolozzi, A.

Bruno, J.

Dalmaz, C.

Dajas-Bailador, F.

Fuentealba, J.

Herrera-Marschitz, M.

Herrero, T.

Joca, S.

Valentini, V. 

El objetivo de este curso de postgrado es proveer una plataforma científica
enfocada al planteo y realización de diferentes aproximaciones neuroquímicas
utilizadas en la investigación preclínica para el estudio de patologías del sistema
nervioso central. Dicha plataforma se basará en conferencias, experiencias prácticas
y seminarios de discusión.

Destinado a estudiantes de postgrado. Cupos limitados.

Para solicitar inscripción enviar a secretaria_isnschool@iibce.edu.uy
– Carta de motivación
– Curriculum Vitae (máximo 4 carillas)
– Carta de apoyo del orientador/tutor
– Resumen de su trabajo de postgrado (máx. 250 palabras)

Fecha límite de recepción: 10 de octubre, 2014
Por más info. dirigirse a la página web: www.iibce.edu.uy/3rd Latin American.htm

Más información: secretaria_isnschool@iibce.edu.uy

Seguinos en Facebook: 3rd ISN Latin American School of Advanced Neurochemistry.





Con el fin de estimular a los científicos jóvenes chilenos, la Sociedad de Biología de  Chile y la Empresa GRUPO BIOS, han instaurado un Premio consistente en $ 1.000.000.- de libre disposición para premiar al científico joven más destacado. Podrán concursar a este Premio, los científicos chilenos de hasta 38 años, residentes en Chile, que estén en las etapas iniciales de su carrera académica en el área biológica. Los concursantes deberán presentar en la Secretaría de la Sociedad, HASTA EL 26 septiembre de 2014, un currículum vitae, incluyendo el listado completo de sus publicaciones, una carta de postulación y dos cartas de referencia destacando sus méritos. El Premio será otorgado por una comisión ad hoc constituida por representantes de la Sociedad de Biología de Chile y GRUPO BIOS y será entregado durante la 57a Reunión Anual. El científico favorecido deberá ofrecer una conferencia en la Reunión Anual de la Sociedad del año siguiente. Serán elementos determinantes en la otorgación del Premio que los candidatos ya hayan iniciado la formación de un grupo de trabajo y una línea de investigación independiente.


Entrega de antecedentes: Secretaría de la Sociedad de Biología de Chile, Canadá 253, 3er Piso, Depto. F., Providencia.


Convocatoria a cursos pre-congreso para el 9vo Congreso Mundial IBRO 2015

headerFalanmailingConvocatoria a cursos pre-congreso para el 9vo Congreso Mundial IBRO 2015

Estimados colegas:

La International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) realizará su 9vo Congreso Mundial en Río de Janeiro, Brasil del 7 al 11 de julio del año 2015.

Los organizadores de esta importante conferencia han pedido a la Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Neurociencias (FALAN) la organización de cursos pre-congreso que se realizarían en la sede del evento el día 7 de julio de 2015 en horario matinal y primeras horas de la tarde.

Nos dirigimos a Ud. y a la sociedad que preside para poner en su conocimiento esta oportunidad de organizar y proponer cursos que sean de amplio interés para contribuir a la formación y desarrollo de jóvenes investigadores en las diferentes disciplinas que integran las Neurociencias.

Para formalizar una propuesta debe hacernos llegar al mail: falan.presid.ouchitel@gmail.com  antes del 1 de Octubre un documento con la siguiente información:

Título del curso:

Objetivos del curso:

De interés para:

Programa del curso (con el formato que se indica en la tabla)


Tema a impartir

Profesor y afiliación

(añadir tantas filas como sea necesario. La duración máxima es de 6 horas de curso real)

Presupuesto del curso: (detallando cantidad (en euros) y destino de cada partida)

Necesidad de medios materiales especiales (si existen)

El programa del congreso puede ser consultado en: http://ibro2015.org/?page_id=646

El presupuesto general disponible para los cursos es LIMITADO, de modo que sería muy conveniente incluir como profesores de los cursos a conferencistas plenarios o de simposios ya aprobados que tendrán cubierta su inscripción en el evento.

Se priorizarán cursos de amplia demanda y que aborden temas novedosos con técnicas de avanzada.

La Junta Directiva de FALAN seleccionará los cursos propuestos  y los elevará para la consideración del comité científico del Congreso.

En espera de su entusiasta colaboración le saludamos cordialmente,

Junta Directiva


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