- Q2 Summer School in Mexico
- Transatlantic Behavioural Neuroscience School, Argentina, Aug 11-22 2025, Deadline: Feb 25th
- Avances y Proyecciones de la Neurociencia en Chile: Encuentro entre la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia y autoridades del Ministerio de Ciencia
- Invitación a Seminario 16 Enero – Mike Fainzelber
- ll Reunión Anual de la Red-ChilEtrés
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El seminario internacional sobre estrés y resiliencia que se realizará este jueves en la Universidad del Desarrollo en Santiago. LaContinue reading →
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Este año, el CSIECV se llevará a cabo el 13 y 14 de junio de 2019 en Costa Rica. EsteContinue reading →
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Small Brain Big Ideas Seeding the future of the science 6-15 de Octubre 2014
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The school will be divided into microstructure and macrostructure visualizationContinue reading →
Transatlantic Behavioural Neuroscience School, Argentina, Aug 11-22 2025, Deadline: Feb 25th
Hello! We are happy to announce the fourth edition ofContinue reading →
Avances y Proyecciones de la Neurociencia en Chile: Encuentro entre la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia y autoridades del Ministerio de Ciencia
Con el objetivo principal de dar a conocer el estadoContinue reading →
A nombre de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia les compartimos laContinue reading →
Simposio internacional de Neurociencia Humana: Dilucidando los sustratos neurobiológicos de la conducta en salud y enfermedad
Invitación al “Simposio internacional de Neurociencia Humana: Dilucidando los sustratosContinue reading →
The school will be divided into microstructure and macrostructure visualization techniques, that include the most common and advanced methods inContinue reading →
Technology Ver todo
The school will be divided into microstructure and macrostructure visualization techniques, that include the most common and advanced methods inContinue reading →
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The school will be divided into microstructure and macrostructure visualization techniques, that include the most common and advanced methods inContinue reading →
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The school will be divided into microstructure and macrostructure visualization techniques, that include the most common and advanced methods inContinue reading →
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The school will be divided into microstructure and macrostructure visualization techniques, that include the most common and advanced methods inContinue reading →