Dear FALAN and other IBRO Latin American member societies,
The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF), an IBRO member, is pleased to be able to offer free 2021 membership to IBRO member FALAN and other IBRO Latin American members in order to increase accessibility to neuroinformatics expertise and training. This offer extends to individual members of FALAN, its member societies and other IBRO Latin American society members who should register for individual INCF membership if interested.
INCF’s mission is to develop, evaluate, and endorse standards and best practices that embrace the principles of open, FAIR, and citable neuroscience. It also provides training on how standards and best practices facilitate reproducibility and enables the publishing of the entirety of research output, including data and code. The INCF Assembly is coming up in a few weeks (19-29 April) and, for those interested, INCF membership comes with heavily discounted registration fees for this event: 50 USD and 10 USD for regular/student registrations, respectively.
In order to learn more and sign up as a member of INCF, please visit their website and use the code MR21IBRO (regular) or MS21IBRO (students and postdocs).
Thank you and we hope that some of your members can benefit from this opportunity.