
CINV Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2020


CINV Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2020

The Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso (CINV), at the Universidad de Valparaiso in Valparaiso, Chile, invites young postdoctoral researchers to apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the CINV. The purpose of this program is to support outstanding and highly motivated PhD graduates from any country who wish to initiate or continue a scientific project in one of CINV’s labs, which are:

  1. Structure and Function of Molecular Sensors
  2. Cellular Signaling
  3. Genetics and Development of the Nervous System 
  4. Systems and Circuit Neuroscience
  5. Molecular Simulation and Computational Biology


Antecedents, letters of recommendation and commitment should be electronically sent to postdoc@cinv.cl before March 24th, 2020 23:59 hrs (GMT -3h).

For more details, please visit our webpage HERE