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PhD student opportunity, Biomedical Engineering, Rutgers/NJIT

A PhD position is now open in the Neural Engineering of Speech and Hearing (NESH) lab in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in Newark, New Jersey, starting Fall 2020. The project will deploy psychophysical and computational methods to study how the brain processes acoustic information in the presence of background sound. The project will utilize functional near infrared spectroscopy to assess human auditory perception with cochlear implants.
Successful applicants are enthusiastic about scientific research, and have a strong background in electrical engineering, computer science, neuroscience, or physics. Prior experience with auditory research is not required. Students are expected to complete a number of courses in Biomedical Engineering, as described here:
The PhD is part of a joint program with Rutgers University, meaning students take classes both at NJIT and Rutgers and our graduates hold a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from both universities.
The official deadline for applications is December 15, but late applications are encouraged this year.
To submit your application:
In addition to applying to the program, please write directly to Antje Ihlefeld <ihlefeld AT njit DOT edu>, with the subject line: Fall 2020 PhD position.
Please do not hesitate to contact Antje with any questions you may have about the positions or the program (