Team of María Cecilia Angulo
Neuron-oligodendroglia interactions in myelination and myelin repair
Insitute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris (IPNP)
INSERM U1266, Paris, France
We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in electrophysiology, optogenetics, in vivo recordings and/or behavior and who has a special interest in regeneration. The post-doc candidate will integrate our team located in the new Institut of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris (IPNP) inside Sainte-Anne Hospital, a highly stimulating environment.
When myelination is impaired or myelin is destroyed in the CNS, cognitive, motor and sensory functions are compromised. Despite the low regeneration capacity of the CNS, a spontaneous production of newly formed oligodendrocytes and a partial myelin repair can occur in response to a demyelinating injury. We recently showed that a moderate neuronal activity in vivo improves myelin repair by increasing both the density of OLs and myelin production in demyelinated lesions, inducing a remarkable functional recovery (Ortiz et al., 2019). The present project aims to determine the mechanisms allowing neuronal activity to improve myelin repair and, in turn, action potential conduction.
Recent relevant publications of the team:
- Orduz D et al., (2019) Nat Commun 10:4249
- Ortiz FC et al. (2019) JCI Insight 4(9):e123434
- Balia M et al. (2017) Glia 65(11):1821-1832
- Wake H et al. (2015) Nat Commun 6:7844.
- Orduz D et al. (2015) eLife 4:e06953
The position will be for 2 years
Starting date: as soon as possible
Website: https://ipnp.paris5.inserm.fr/research/teams-and-projects/19-equipe-angulo
Interested candidates should send their CV, a motivation letter including research interests and names of 2 referees to: maria-cecilia.angulo@parisdescartes.fr