
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Facultad de Medicina-Facultad de Ciencias Sociales




Call for an Interdisciplinary Position


Language makes us human, and is essential for our participation in society. Consequently, disorders of language and communication have an enduring impact on the development of capabilities, performance, and self esteem of persons, and in their quality of life. The Medical School and the School of Psychology are interested in developing and consolidating an interdisciplinary research group in the field of language and communication, focusing on their development and emphasizing current neurobiological, psychological and linguistic approaches to contribute to the understanding of the typical and atypical development of communication skills and their rehabilitation.


Open Academic position


Full-time, tenure track assistant professor position (or associate professorship in case of a proven track record in the discipline) in the field of development of language, its disorders and rehabilitation. Salary is competitive within the region.


The position depends primarily on the Faculty of Medicine and is shared with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The position is also associated with the Interdisciplinary Center for Neuroscience and the Doctorate Program in Neuroscience, and is subjected to the institutional academic regulations (http://secretariageneral.uc.cl/docman/doc-download/277).




Associated responsibilities: 


1. To perform interdisciplinary research, financed through competitive funding, in the neuroscience and developmental psychology of language and communication, and to produce high-impact scientific publications.


2. Supporting undergraduate and graduate teaching and activities in the areas of neuroscience, psychology and health sciences. It is expected that the selected applicant will be in position of directing doctoral theses within two years after incorporation.


3. Participate in regular academic and administrative institutional activities.



Requisites for application


1. Possess a doctorate or equivalent degree.


2. Experience in research and scientific productivity in the field.


3. Demonstrate ability to conduct independent research of high impact, and participate in multidisciplinary teams.


4. Expertise on electroencephalography or neuroimaging (ideally both) techniques applied to neurolinguistics.


5. Experience in technical, psychological and neuropsychological tools to evaluate language skills.


6. Knowledge of theoretical aspects of cognitive neuroscience and psychology of language.


7. Experience in undergraduate, and ideally graduate, teaching and/or thesis direction (masters or doctoral).


8. Being a fluent speaker and writer in both Spanish and English.



Documents required for application: 


1. Curriculum Vitae in extenso, highlighting the 5 most relevant publications.


2. Copy of Certificate of  Professional Title and PhD.


3. Two confidential letters of reference .


4. Written statement of interest, including a brief history of his/her scientific career (maximum 2 pages).


5. Academic project including research and teaching plans and interests, including a proposal for insertion in the context of the supporting Faculties and the Interdisciplinary Center for Neurosciences (maximum 2 pages).


6. Specify the earliest date he/she could take office.





1. Applications should be sent via email as a single .pdf document to CAROLINA GALAZ (cgalazv@uc.cl), no later than December 12, 2014. The email’s subject should be: ”Position in Development of Language MED-EPUC UC” and the applicants full name must be included in the body of the email. The attached file should be named LANGUAGE_NAMEOFTHEAPPLICANT.pdf.


2. An ad hoc Selection Committee will review applications and preselect applicants based on the assessment of the requested information.


3. Preselected applicants will be invited to present a public lecture provide a public presentation describing their work and insertion plans, in english.


4. Preselected applicants will have an interview with the Selection Committee.



Selection Criteria:


1. Coherence of the applicant’s interest and expertise with the Institutional objectives.


2. Quality of scientific production and proficiency in the research discipline.


3. Teaching experience


4. Academic references.






1. The position call will be open from November 12 to December 12, 2014.


2. Interviews and applicant presentations will take place between January 5 and 9, 2015.


3. The results of the process will be known no later than January 27, 2015.