
La III Latin American Summer School in Computational Neuroscience

La III Latin American Summer School in Computational Neuroscience (LACONEU2014), tiene el agrado de invitar a la Comunidad Universitaria al siguiente ciclo de charlas:

I] Computing with Spikes
Romain Brette
École Normale Superieure, Paris, France
Lunes 13 de enero del 2014
16:30hrs – Salón de Honor, UTFSM

II] Neural coding in the visual system: Theory,
experiments and clinical applications
Olivier Marre
Institut de la Vision, Paris, France
Miércoles 15 de enero del 2014
16:30hrs – Salón de Honor, UTFSM

III] Uncertainty in visual perception
Pascal Mamassian
Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France
Viernes 17 de enero del 2014
17:00hrs – Salón de Honor, UTFSM





Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative


The NIH Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative is part of a new Presidential focus aimed at revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain. By accelerating the development and application of innovative technologies, researchers will be able to produce a revolutionary new dynamic picture of the brain that, for the first time, shows how individual cells and complex neural circuits interact in both time and space. Long desired by researchers seeking new ways to treat, cure, and even prevent brain disorders, this picture will fill major gaps in our current knowledge and provide unprecedented opportunities for exploring exactly how the brain enables the human body to record, process, utilize, store, and retrieve vast quantities of information, all at the speed of thought.

See more here




Applications open for the IBRO/APRC Travel Grants 2014 (July-December)

Applications open for the IBRO/APRC Travel Grants 2014 (July-December)

The IBRO APRC Travel Grants aim to support young researchers and graduate students working in Asian/Pacific countries to attend and make presentations at international APRC member society meetings, held in English, within the region.

Graduate students and researchers who have obtained a Ph.D. within the last five years are qualified to apply. For countries in which it is extremely difficult to obtain support for trips to foreign meetings, excellent applications by those under 40 will also be considered. Applications from countries of Low, Lower-middle and Upper-middle-income (according to The World Bank) will be favored.

This application round covers the 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS) held September 11-13, 2014 in Yokohama (http://www.neuroscience2014.jp/en/index.html) as well as the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Indian Academy of Neurosciences held November 1-3, 2014 in Bengaluru. JNS will exempt the awardees from registration fees.

Applicants cannot apply for more than one category of funding within the IBRO Travel Grants program.

Grant amount: 1,000 –  1,500 US dollars*

Deadline: February 3, 2014 (11:59 p.m. CET – Europe/Paris time)

To apply, click here.





CNN Chile transmite programa “Vida con ciencia”, donde aparece Núcleo Milenio de Estrés y Adicción (NEDA)

Por título “Adicciónes: desde la molecula a la conducta” tuvo el capítulo del NEDA donde participaron los profesores Katia Gysling y Jorge Campusano, de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas UC.



Ver capítulo aquí:

Parte I: http://www.litoralpress.cl/design3/lpi/video.asp?id=5541770

Parte II: http://www.litoralpress.cl/design3/lpi/video.asp?id=5541786

Parte III: http://www.litoralpress.cl/design3/lpi/video.asp?id=5541794


Call for Proposals for Symposia


The  Program Committee under the chairmanship of Rafael Linden (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) has been appointed by the Governing Council of IBRO to decide on the scientific program of the 9th IBRO World Congress. The Scientific Program will be built on the basis of proposals submitted by scientists from all over the world and in all areas of neuroscience research.

Online submission of proposals for symposia and mini-symposia will be open from November 1 to December 31, 2013.

Guidelines and application forms can be found here.


A Letter From The President


Dear IBRO Friends and Committee Members,

Pierre J. Magistretti of Lausanne, Switzerland, has been elected as the next president of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) by the IBRO Governing Council, which comprises IBRO’s member societies across the world. Professor Magistretti is currently the Dean, Division of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering, at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, for which he is on leave from his posts as Professor at the University of Lausanne Medical School and Hospitals Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience (Department of Psychiatry) and Professor at the Brain Mind Institute, Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), in Lausanne.


Professor Magistretti formerly served as the secretary-general of IBRO, from 2010 – 2012, during which time he was instrumental in establishing the IBRO Middle East/Northern Africa (MENA) Subregion to focus on the specific needs of this region and further enhance the infrastructure for neuroscience research there. In addition, he launched the IBRO Global Advocacy Initiative, a collaborative effort involving several other leading neuroscience societies representing all regions of the world. The goal of this Initiative is to facilitate the development of culturally relevant educational and motivational programs that will garner wider support for neuroscience research globally.


Professor Magistretti received his MD from the University of Geneva and his PhD from the University of California at San Diego, while working at the Salk Institute with Dr Floyd E. Bloom. A natural polyglot, he is fluent in French, Italian, German and English and can also converse in several other languages. He has made significant contributions in the field of brain energy metabolism. His research group has discovered some of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the coupling between neuronal activity and energy consumption by the brain. This work has considerable ramifications for the understanding of the origin of the signals detected with the current functional brain imaging techniques used in neurologic and psychiatric research.


Professor Magistretti’s three-year term as IBRO President will begin on January 1, 2014. Please join me in wishing him all the best for the coming years.



Carlos Belmonte
President, IBRO


Applications Open for LARC Schools and Short Courses


IBRO’s Latin America Regional Committee (LARC) will evaluate possible funding for Schools targeted to advanced students and young researchers in the field of Neuroscience throughout Latin America.

This activity should foster cooperation among regional neuroscientists (students and researchers). Failure to incorporate participants from the region seriously forfeits chances for approval. Contact any LARC member if you have doubts about your proposal.

Within 60 days after the activity, the coordinator must submit a report on the event and the use of IBRO funds. A summary of up to 200 words in English should also be submitted suitable for posting to the IBRO website. Please send all this information to the IBRO Secretariat.


IBRO’s Latin America Regional Committee (LARC) will evaluate possible funding (up to 3,500 euros) for basic Neuroscience courses, workshops or symposia taking place within the region.

This activity should foster cooperation among regional neuroscientists (students and researchers). Failure to incorporate participants from the region seriously forfeits chances for approval. Contact any LARC member if you have doubts about your proposal.

Within 60 days after the activity, the coordinator must submit a report on the event and the use of IBRO funds. A summary of up to 200 words in English should also be submitted suitable for posting to the IBRO website. Please send all this information to the IBRO Secretariat.


The current round of funding is for courses taking place between January 1st and June 30th, 2014.

The deadline for applications is November 25, 2013 (12:00 p.m. GMT).

To apply for LARC Schools Funding: http://form.jotformpro.com/form/31353511381950

To apply for LARC Short Courses Funding: http://form.jotformpro.com/form/31353863013952

web link:
