We are pleased to announce that the US Society for Neuroscience provided our Federation with a list of unique ID numbers (called “ISM abstract slots”) that allow a set number of individuals, who are not members of SfN, to submit abstracts to the SfN annual meeting and register for the meeting at the SfN member rate.
These slots will be assigned first to students and postdoctoral candidates and secondly to other categories.
Code users cannot be paid 2023 SfN members or the code will not work. SfN members should use the normal submission process on SfN.org
ISM recipients that already have an account with SfN but that do not know their login credentials should reset their password, and do not create a new one.
We remind you that the deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday, June 14, at 5 p.m. EDT.
If you are interested in receiving an ISM abstract slot please fill the following form and you will receive the ID number by e-mail
More information HERE