
Last vacancies for workshop – Satellite Course Oct 16

Last 08 space for:

BCI, Motor Imagery, GAMES, Virtual Reality, Eye Traking, VideoSync and EEG Analysis – Behavior Neuroscience –

Date: Oct 16 2016
City: Buenos Aires
Time: 8:30 13:00

​The use of brain-computer interface (BCI) technology has been currently proven to provide new insights in studying important brain processes such as learning, brain plasticity and neurorehabilitation. The association with virtual reality, makes it possible to extrapolate lab environment providing new possibilities for neuroscientific research. This workshop will explore the use of open source softwares to acquire cortical activity with an EEG and use it to control an avatar in a virtual environment through a well known neurophysiological pattern called motor imagery. Furthermore, we will discuss how to merge and interpret data coming from different sources/devices, such as eye tracking, EEG and video cameras. In addition we will bring the state of art software (BrainVision Analyser 2.0) in ERP analysis and will demonstrate how to perform an optimal ERP study.

8:30 – 9:00 – General introduction
9:00 – 10:00 ​​- Virtual reality and gaming technology as a tool to enrich neuroscientific research: a demonstration of an avatar controlled by motor imagery using open sources softwares.
10:00 – 10:20 coffee break
10:20 – 11:20 – Discover the invisible through professional behavior observation
11:20 – 12:20 – Performing a visual ERP measurement by using state of the art technology
12:20 – 13:00 – How to conduct an ERP analysis in BrainVision Analyzer 2.0 software
13:00 – End

For complete program: Click here
*We only have more 08 seats.



Citación a Asamblea General Ordinaria de Socios, 18-octubre 2016 – Buenos Aires

Por acuerdo del Directorio y de conformidad con lo establecido en el Art. 15° de los Estatutos, se cita a Asamblea General Ordinaria de Socios de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia en Primera Citación, para el martes 18 de octubre de 2016, a las 19.30 horas, en la Sala C. FALAN, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Conforme al Reglamento vigente, esta citación tiene por objeto dar a conocer la gestión del directorio en el período 2016, organización de eventos,presentación y toma de mando de la nueva directiva y materias propias de la Sociedad.

El Directorio


Falan, ayuda de viaje para estudiantes

Estimados estudiantes asistentes a FALAN 2016:

Nuestro conferencista invitado, el Dr. Rodrigo Andrade, generosamente ha donado parte del financiamiento que le asignó la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias, para entregar una ayuda de viaje de US$250 para cuatro estudiantes que asistan a la Reunión. Quienes estén interesados en postular a esta ayuda deben cumplir con los sgtes. requisitos: ser estudiantes de pre o postgrado residentes en Chile, ser miembros alumnos de la SCN (con sus cuotas al día), estar presentando un trabajo como primer o segundo autor y que no hayan ganado alguna otra beca para este congreso (Conicyt, IBRO, u otras).

Los postulantes deben llenar el pequeño cuestionario que se adjunta y enviarlo de vuelta hasta el martes 20 de Septiembre.


Directorio Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias.

Descargar Formulario


Awarded Travel Grant IBRO-FALAN


Awarded Travel Grant IBRO-FALAN

FALAN is pleased to present the winners of the travel scholarships proposed by IBRO. Each of the 20 selected will receive the sum of US$ 500.
Thanks to all the participants!

#TravelGrants #FALAN2016

The Awarded Travel Grants IBRO-FALAN are:

1. Jacque Pak Kan IP (USA)
2. Clarke, Julia (Brazil)
3. Silva Aguiar Junior, Aderbal (Brazil)
4. Lezio Bueno, Junior (Brazil)
5. Gonzáles-Jamet, Arlek (Chile)
6. Oliveira, Julia (Brazil)
7. Muñoz Manco, Juan Ignacio (Colombia)
8. Arbo, Bruno (Brazil)
9. Fachim, Helene (Brazil)
10. Vergara Castañeda, Edgar (Mexico)
11. Fernando, Benetti (Brazil)
12. Fernandez, Jansen (Brazil)
13. Thaisa, Meira (Brazil)
14. Hernandez, Luis (Mexico)
15. Moreira, Kaim (Brazil)
16. Isasi, Eugenia (Uruguay)
17. De Freitas, Ghillerme (Brazil)
18. Pitra, Maria (Argentina)
19. Escotegy-Neto, Joao Carlos (Brazil)
20. Medieros, Iris (Brazil)

Visit our website: www.falan-ibrolarc.org



“Biological and pathological relevance of γ-secretase heterogeneity in Alzheimer’s disease – a novel avenue for therapeutic intervention?”

Dr. Wim Annaert
VIB Center for the biology of disease
Universidad de Lovaina, Bélgica

Viernes 2 de septiembre 2016
11:30 hrs

Sala Auditorium
Facultad de Química y Biología
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Avda. Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins 3363


Postdoctoral Position

A postdoctoral position to study the cognitive consequences of age-related hearing loss is available at the auditory and cognition center (AUCO). This postdoctoral position is funded by the project “From Presbycusis to Dementia. A basic and clinical approach” from the PIA-CONICYT program: Anillo de Investigacion en Ciencia ACT1403. This collaborative project includes three laboratories directed by Paul Delano (Universidad de Chile), Carolina Delgado, (Universidad de Chile) and Alexies Dagnino (Universidad de Valparaiso).

In particular, the eligible postdoctoral researcher will analyze brain-imaging data with magnetic resonance, and perform cognitive, behavioral and audiological evaluations in human subjects, including controls and presbycusis patients at the Clinical Hospital of the Universidad de Chile in Santiago, Chile, at Drs. Delano and Delgado labs. The postdoctoral researcher must have immediate and full availability (44 h per week), as the beginning of this postdoctoral position is on November 2th, 2016. The offered salary is 1,000,000 CLP monthly, for one year renewable for another year, depending on the evaluation performed by the principal investigators.

Requisite and expected skills:

  • PhD in physics, engineering, biological or biomedical sciences (degree obtained after 2012).
  • Expertise in programming in different languages (C, R, Matlab, etc.) is mandatory.
  • Expertise in data analyses of brain magnetic resonance imaging (e.g. FreeSurfer).
  • Ability to work in an interdisciplinary group of researchers.


Send an email with your CV and cover letter to: phdelano@gmail.com and carodede@gmail.com including the contact information of two references. Application deadline: 23th September, 2016. An academic committee constituted by principal and associate investigators will select the post-doctoral researcher. The non-selected and selected applicants will be informed by email near 30th September, 2016.

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