The Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias (SCN) invites PhD students, postdocs and young researchers at initial career stages to participate in the “Young Neuroscientists Symposium” of the Congress. Applicants to this special symposium will be selected by competition, according to their scientific merits.
- There are four slots available. Selected applicants will be invited to present their work in our remote meeting. All selected participants will receive a registration and abstract fee
- The awardees must attend the entire congress and hold their talk in
- Up to two of the slots will be awarded to applicants with residence out of The remaining slots will be given to applicants from Chile.
- Only one applicant from the same laboratory or research group can be
Applicants need to submit the following documentation:
- An English abstract describing the work to be presented (max. 250 words).
- A brief curriculum vitae including: Full name, nationality, date and place of birth, country of residence, affiliation, education, research experience, publications, meeting presentations and other relevant
- An informal letter of reference from the thesis advisor, postdoctoral supervisor or head of department.
Application deadline: September 30th, 2021.
Applications must be sent to sociedadchilenaneurociencia@gmail.com. Subject: “YNS 2021”.
For inquiries, contact jlvaldes@uchile.cl