CfP LAWCN’21 – III Latin-American Workshop on Computational Neuroscience (Deadline: August 16th, 2021)

Paper Submission Deadline: August 16th, 2021
Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), Av. dos Portugueses, 1966 – Vila Bacanga, 65080-805, São Luís, MA – Brazil
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The LAWCN’21 aims to gather researchers with different backgrounds – medicine, psychology, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics and so on – to better understand the brain. Scientists from Latin-American and around the world are welcome to submit their results and ideas as papers to be presented at the conference. Its main areas are: i) Computational Neuroscience; ii) Neuroscience; iii) Neuroengineering; iv) Artificial Intelligence and related topics.
It is going to be a hybrid conference, i.e. face-to-face and online event, due to COVID-19 pandemic. Entertaining platforms are going to be used to promote interactive actions between local and remote participants. It is expected, as in the previous editions, hundreds of scientists from undergrads to experienced faculties to attend interesting talks from renowned keynote speakers. We are proud to highlight that we have already secured the presence of six world-class scientists as keynote speakers: Peter Tass (Stanford University, USA), Alan Talevi (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina), André de Carvalho (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Kerstin Schimidt (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil), Jose C. Principe (University of Florida, USA) and Angela Wyse (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). There are more under confirmation.
Participants are invited to submit papers on the topics of the event. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (with ISBN). Abstracts are also accepted and will be published online in the III LAWCN Proceedings (with ISBN). Moreover, as in last editions, it is planned to publish the selected papers of LAWCN 2021 in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) proceedings series, Springer Nature, but approval is still pending. Papers will be evaluated based on their quality and significance by an international and experient program committee (https://www.lawcn.com.br/src/ comittees.html).
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: August 16, 2021
- Notification of acceptance (paper): September 30, 2021
- Camera-ready (paper): October 31, 2021
- Abstract submission deadline: September 27, 2021
- Notification of acceptance (abstract): October 15, 2021
- Camera-ready (abstract): October 31, 2021
Workshop: December 8-10, 2021 (UFMA, São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil and Online)
Some topics of the conference can be seen below. For a complete list of topics and further details about the submission see: https://www.lawcn.com.br/ src/submissions.html
Computational Neuroscience |
Neuroscience |
Neuroengineering |
Artificial Intelligence and related topics |
The III LAWCN (2021) has the financial support from the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) and is going to provide travel aid for some participants, with a special focus on women and regional diversity.
The Organizing Committee is very proud to welcome researchers from Latin America and the whole world to the III LAWCN (2021). If you have any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us: lawcn@ufma.br