Dear SfN Chapters,
As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, SfN is hosting a brand-new competition called the 2019 Chapter Video Challenge!
Video Challenge Question
“Why is brain science so important?” The brain is the great unknown, and participants are encouraged to explore diverse perspectives of neuroscience to present why brain science is so important to society.
• First place: $1,000 plus travel, two-nights lodging, and registration for one person to attend Neuroscience 2019
• Second place: $500
• Third place: $250
Start Planning Before Admissions Open
Make sure to brainstorm the story you want to tell, create a storyboard, find locations to film, and identify any equipment you want to use.
The competition will close Friday, May 10.
Learn more about the contest – including full entry requirements, judging criteria, and more.