One postdoctoral position to study the cognitive consequences of age-related hearing loss is available at the auditory and cognition center (AUCO). This postdoctoral positions is funded by the project “From Presbycusis to Dementia. A basic and clinical approach” from the PIA-CONICYT program: Anillo de Investigacion en Ciencia ACT1403. This collaborative project includes three laboratories directed by Paul Delano (Universidad de Chile), Carolina Delgado, (Universidad de Chile) and Alexies Dagnino (Universidad de Valparaiso). (www.auco.cl)
In particular, the eligible postdoctoral researcher will perform behavioral and electrophysiological experiments in animal models. In addition, the postdoctoral researcher will have to analyze cognitive, behavioral and audiological data. The postdoctoral researcher must have full availability (44 h per week), and the expected beginning of this postdoctoral position is on July 1th, 2018. The offered salary is 1,200,000 CLP monthly for six months (July 2018 to December 2018).
Requisite and expected skills:
– PhD in engineering or biomedical sciences.
– Expertise in programming in different languages (C, R, Matlab, etc.).
– Ability to work in an interdisciplinary group of researchers.
Send an email with your CV and cover letter to: phdelano@gmail.com and carodede@gmail.com including the contact information of two letter of references. Application deadline: 23th June, 2018. The non-selected and selected applicants will be informed by email near 28th June, 2018. The postdoctoral fellow at the AUCO center is expected to apply with the principal investigators of the AUCO center in July 2018 for postdoctoral Fondecyt funding.