SFN Spotlight
Annual Report: Learn What SfN Is Doing For You
Check out SfN’s new digital annual report to get an inside look into the Society’s FY2016 activities. The report describes how SfN is serving a dynamic, global field by expanding its reach and impact on science worldwide and increasing value to members through its publications, programs, and events.
Last Chance: Travel to Japan in 2017
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society will take place July 20-23 in Makuhari, Japan. SfN is offering five trainees a $2,000 travel award to help cover the cost of attendance. Submit an application by Monday, January 16. Contact globalaffairs@sfn.org with questions.
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Membership & Chapters
Call for Nominations
Nominations for incoming president-elect, incoming treasurer-elect, two councilors, and committee member positions, will be accepted until noon EST on Friday, February 17. Learn more.
Professional Development
Do You Have an Idea for a Professional Development Workshop?
More than a dozen professional development workshops are offered at the annual meeting on topics related to funding, career paths, career skills, responsible conduct of research, diversity, and more. Submit a proposal to organize a professional development workshop at Neuroscience 2017 in Washington, DC. Proposals will be accepted until 2 p.m. EST on Friday, February 17.
Meet-the-Expert Collection
Get a glimpse into the careers and mindsets of leading scientists who participate in the Meet-the-Expert sessions at the annual meeting. More resources from experts are available in SfN’s Meet-the-Expert Collection on Neuronline.
SfN Podcast: The Perils of Publishing
Beginning January 11, this podcast will explore the ins and outs of publishing, sharing the stories of a PI and grad student, and expert commentary from JNeurosci, Cell, and Neuron editors. Sign up for updates about future episodes.
Education & Advocacy
Join the Dana Foundation Lending Library Program
Collaborate with the Dana Alliance and neuroscience departments around the U.S. to share educational materials that can be used for outreach activities at local schools, community centers, and more.
Join the Advocacy Network to Stay Informed on the New Congress
With the opening of the 115th U.S. Congress, now is the perfect time to advocate for neuroscience and join SfN’s Advocacy Network. Members will receive emails to keep them up to date on the latest neuroscience issues in science policy, as well as alerts when direct action is needed.
Annual Meeting
Scientific Content for Neuroscience 2017
Thank you to all members who submitted a proposal for a symposium, minisymposium, or Social Issues Roundtable for Neuroscience 2017. Decisions will be sent via email in March. Abstracts for Neuroscience 2017 will be accepted from active SfN members from April 13 through 5 p.m. EDT May 4. Get ready now by updating your membership.
Satellite Database Opens Late February
Don’t miss the opportunity to schedule your satellite event in Washington, DC! Direct all questions to amsatellites@sfn.org.
Neuroscience Marketplace
Revisit the Exhibit Floor in My Neuroscience Marketplace, the virtual directory of Neuroscience 2016 vendors.
Across The Field