
Travel Grants IBRO-FALAN is Now Open


Travel Grants IBRO – FALAN

IBRO will provide Travel Grants to help Young Investigators,
PhD or MS Students to attend FALAN Congress.

Application Submission deadline will be July 31.
#TravelGrants #FALAN2016

will provide Travel Grants to help Young Investigators, PhD or MS Students to attend FALAN Congress. This grant will consist of up to US$ 1000 to cover costs of registration and partial travel expenses.

Candidates must be Young Investigators, PhD or MS Latin-American students and members of the participating Societies, with residence outside Argentina.

How to Submit

Students must submit the application through the following form. Application must include:
– Short CV (two page max: education, 3 higher impact papers, 3 more important meeting presentations, awards)
– Abstract as presenting-first author (in English, 1500 characters max including spaces, without figures, tables or references)
– A Short Justification of the necessity of the Grant

Application Submission deadline will be July 31.

More Information:
The organizing committee will publish a list of the awarded at the FALAN website on August 15.
Candidates must not have other grant (i.e. SAN Grants)
During the meeting, granted students must attend every day and they could be asked to get involved in different activities related to the meeting.
Grants will be refunded at the end of the meeting.
​Participants whose assistance to the Congress depends on the obtention of this support, might register after the result announcement and pay the early-bird fees.